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$143 million mental-health treatment facility approved for Boyle Heights hospital campus

The Board of Supervisors today approved the $143 million development of a 96-bed mental-health treatment facility at Los Angeles General Medical Center -- the final phase of a project to create a Restorative Care Village on the medical campus.

The Psychiatric Subacute Facility will include six Mental Health Rehabilitation Center programs, each with 16 beds. The facility will be contained in a 92,000-square-foot multi-story building, providing what county officials said will be round-the-clock psychiatric care and rehabilitation services geared toward people with the most serious mental illnesses.

"These beds have been identified as those most needed to help address our county's behavioral health crisis, and I am proud that the Restorative Care Village on the Los Angeles General Medical Center campus will continue to play a central role in solving our county's most pressing challenges," Supervisor Hilda Solis said. "Once completed, the Restorative Care Village will restore dignity to our communities and give our most vulnerable hope for a new beginning."

The facility is expected to be completed in 2026. Funding for the project will include money from the American Rescue Plan Act, the state's Behavioral Health Continuum Infrastructure Program, the county Department of Mental Health and the county's Care First Community Investment Funds.

Construction has already been completed at the campus on three prior phases of the campus development, including a Recuperative Care Center, a building with 96 medical respite care beds; and Crisis Residential Treatment Programs, four buildings with 64 acute mental health beds.

A Mental Health Urgent Care Center and a Residential Withdrawal Management Facility are both under construction at the site. The Residential Withdrawal facility will include 32 beds for people with substance abuse issues.

According to Solis' office, the overall Restorative Care Village will be a "first-in-the-nation mental health and well-being campus dedicated to meeting the comprehensive physical, behavioral and substance use needs of the county's most vulnerable residents."

"The presence of the Psychiatric Subacute Facility on the Los Angeles General Medical Center campus is a huge step in the integration of services that will help meet the needs of our community," Jorge Orozco, CEO of Los Angeles General Medical Center, said in a statement. "Integrating mental health and other social services with a world-class medical center will contribute to the vision of health and wellness for our community."


MB SAFE stands for Manhattan Beach - Safe Alternatives for Everyone. We seek to maximize community involvement and support for compassionate solutions for homeless people in our area, as well as for the personal safety and protection of the entire community.


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